Heritage Park committed to a whole school approach to attendance and a partnership relationship with parent/carers.
Parents/ carers are expected to ensure their child is ready for school each morning and on time for every session. Parents/carers should notify you in advance of any planned term time absence, requesting permission for the absence to be authorised. Where the absence is due to an emergency, contact should be expected on the first day of absence, with daily contact until the child is well enough to return.
Good attendance and punctuality are vital if pupils are to achieve their maximum potential. Heritage Park School is committed to working with parents/carers and pupils to ensure that each pupil benefits from the academic, personal and social opportunities available to them during their years with us.
What the school expects of our pupils
- That pupils attend regularly, on time and ready to learn
- That pupils are prepared for the day with appropriate equipment e.g. P.E. kit
- To report to the office should they arrive after registration time
- To tell a member of staff if there is any problem which may prevent them from attending school
What parents/carers and pupils can expect from the school
- A broad, balanced education that is dependent on regular attendance at school
- Promotion of good attendance and punctuality at school, and regular encouragement and rewards
- Efficient and accurate recording and monitoring of attendance – this is completed on SIMS.
- First day contact with parents/carers when absence is unexplained Page 5 of 16
- Prompt action when a problem has been identified
- Liaison with officers from the Local Authority to assist and support families where needed
- Termly meetings with the Local Authority Inclusion and Attendance Team, Senior Leadership, Governor and the Safeguarding and Attendance team.
- Routine data tracking and analysis by the Safeguarding and Attendance Team.
- Regular communication with parents/carers
What the school expects of parents/carers
- To fulfil their legal responsibility to ensure that their child attends school regularly, on time and prepared for the day
- To contact school on the first day their child is absent for any reason
- To arrange medical and dental appointments out of school times wherever possible, and to obtain an Authorised Absence Pass from the school if unavoidable
- To arrange holidays out of school time. Further guidance is offered under the section Term time requests for Exceptional Leave later in this policy
- To speak to relevant members of staff if they know of any problem which may prevent their child from attending school
- To provide a note, signed by the parent/carer, when the child returns to school explaining the reason for absence. This will be filed and may be produced if requested by the Local Authority
To read our Attendance policy please click here.
To read the Sheffield Attendance policy please click here.