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TEAM Education Trust

CEIAG* - Advice for Parents

As a parent you are one of the most influential people in your child’s life and in the best possible position to support your child as they consider their future, review their options and make choices.

Here at school we have a strong careers programme providing education, information, advice and guidance and our staff signpost pupils to on-line information advice and guidance. That said, research shows that children look to their parents first when they want career advice.  Whilst some young people have a very clear idea of where they see their pathway leading them, others may take a while to decide – you can help by:

Starting the conversation

  • Focus on skills and behaviour your child will need, rather than specific jobs.
  • Talk about goals and what your child finds fulfilling.
  • Be open minded and encouraging.
  • Talk about what careers experiences your child has had at school (lessons, visits, tutor time etc.
  • Be patient as your child’s choices may change.
  • Remember it’s your child’s decision on what direction they want to go.

We realise it can be challenging to know how to ask the right questions, so here’s our Top Five Tips to get started:

  1. Start with their interests, skills, abilities and values – get them to write them down
  2. Talk about their likes and dislikes of different school subjects
  3. Encourage them to link their skills and interests by using the future skills questionnaire through Compass+ around Personality and Interests Quizzes or National Careers Service Skills Assessment 
  4. Identify 3 different jobs they may like to explore using the National Careers Service Job Profiles
  5. Share your own experiences and talk about your own job or career and those of the wider family.

We are working in partnership with Sheffield progress (which all Y10 and 11 pupils have log in details for) and skills builder who can offer home support. Your child can track their career pathway with you at home by using this service, it is free to register the link can be found below.

There are many organisations who offer advice and support to parents at various stages of your child’s career pathway to post 16 choices, university, apprenticeships and funding support.

 Useful Links for Parents


*CEIAG - Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance