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TEAM Education Trust

Collecting Results


GCSE exam results will be available for pupils to collect in person from school on:

THURSDAY 22ND AUGUST 2024  9:00AM - 12:00PM

If a pupil is unable to collect their results in person, we require their written authority for a named person to collect them on their behalf. This written authority must be received by the Exams Officer prior to results day and a copy brought on the day by the nominated person. 

The form to complete to give written authority for an alternate person to collect exam results will be given to all pupils who are sitting external exams this year prior to their last day. 

If a pupils results are not collected on results day, they will be posted out to their home address the following day.

You can contact the Exams Officer by e-mailing: vwatson@heritageaprk.sheffield.sch.uk